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About Maine NENA Chapter
MENENA’s mission is to foster the technological advancement, availability and implementation of a universal emergency telephone number system (9-1-1). In carrying out its mission, NENA promotes research, planning, training and education. The protection of human life, the preservation of property and the maintenance of general community security are among MENENA’s objectives.
2023-2024 Maine NENA Officers
President - Christopher Lavoie - Penobscot County RCC
Vice-President - Tara Doe - Lincoln County RCC
Secretary/Treasurer - Cory Golob - Maine ESCB
Region 1 - Martin Fournier - Androscoggin County RCC
Region 2 - Michael Carter - Sagadahoc County RCC
Region 3 - Vacant
Region 4 - Joshua Rolfe - Washington County RCC
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